KaiGo Food Rescue

The KaiGo Food Rescue project, operated by the Chrome Collective, stands as a beacon of hope and resilience for vulnerable communities in and around the Western Bay of Plenty. By rescuing surplus or unsold food that is still safe for consumption, KaiGo addresses two critical issues simultaneously: food insecurity and food waste. This initiative is deeply rooted in the principles of the circular economy, ensuring that resources are utilized to their fullest potential before they reach the end of their lifecycle. To date, KaiGo has achieved remarkable success, diverting 80 tonnes of edible food from landfills and redistributing it to communities from Tauranga in the Western Bay of Plenty to Waihi in the Waikato regions.

This project exemplifies the power of community-driven action and the impact of collective effort. By partnering with local businesses, supermarkets, and farmers, KaiGo transforms potential waste into nourishment for those in need. Each kilogram of food rescued and each meal provided stands as a testament to the commitment and compassion of the individuals and organizations involved. The beneficiaries of this initiative are not just recipients of food; they are participants in a larger movement towards sustainability and social equity.

The work done by KaiGo goes beyond immediate relief. It fosters a sense of dignity and hope among those who struggle with food insecurity, reinforcing the idea that everyone deserves access to nutritious food. Moreover, by reducing food waste, KaiGo contributes to the mitigation of environmental impacts associated with food production and disposal. This dual benefit of feeding the hungry and protecting the environment showcases the holistic approach taken by the Chrome Collective.

In the spirit of the circular economy, KaiGo continuously looks for innovative ways to enhance its operations and expand its reach. Education and awareness are key components, as the project seeks to inspire other communities to adopt similar practices. The success of KaiGo serves as a powerful example that when communities unite with a shared vision of sustainability and care, transformative change is not only possible but inevitable.

KaiGo's journey is a powerful narrative of resilience, sustainability, and community spirit. It demonstrates that through collective effort and a commitment to circular principles, significant strides can be made towards a world where both people and the planet thrive. The achievements of KaiGo inspire hope and action, urging all of us to contribute to a more equitable and sustainable future.


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